Canberra International Riesling Challenge 2025
The 24th Canberra International Riesling Challenge will be held 13-18 October 2025.
Entries for the 24th Canberra International Riesling Challenge will open on 1 June with expectations that this will be another great year for the Challenge.
Founded in 2000, the Canberra International Riesling Challenge celebrates the Queen of Grapes, Riesling, aiming to improve the quality of Riesling available to consumers and to improve consumers’ understanding and appreciation of Riesling.
The Challenge is the largest single varietal wine show in the Southern Hemisphere usually attracting over 500 entries from 7-10 countries. Entries are judged according to their age and style and they are presented to the judges by growing region so that the distinctive regional characteristics that develop in Riesling guide the judging. The best wines from each region are then selected to compete for style and national trophies.
Scoring will again be made using the 100 points system with the CIRC awards system using the 100 point system on the Award stickers. In 2025 we will run a hybrid system of the CIRC awards labels and the traditional show system awards. Artwork for both will be produced and entrants will be able to choose which they use.
The 2025 Awards will be:
Elite/Gold: 95 or more points
Premium/Silver: 90 to 94 points
Commended/Bronze: 85 to 89 points